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Thursday, August 29, 2013

A peek at this week...

Today was picture day so we just HAD to get some fun shots of our class...

Also today, we got into our iPads and learned some of the basic fundamentals, then did some Math fact practice. Excited about all the cool things we get to do this year with these...

Friday, August 23, 2013

First week- check!

We had a GREAT first week of school at Mitchell Elementary! It's always tough to get back into the swing of things after a long, relaxing summer- even for teachers! Here are some of the things we did this week in our classroom:

First Day: Post It Note Questionaire

After going over rules and procedures, our class had some smart answers to these questions! 

1. Our classroom should be _____ everyday. 
Answers included "quiet", "clean", and "fun". 

2. What should kids in our class be doing to make sure our room runs smoothly? 
Answers included: "working together", "following the rules", and my personal favorite "listen and pay attention to Mrs. Holland" 

3. School is important because ______. 
Answers included "you need education to get a job someday", "You learn new things that make you smarter", and "it helps you get ready for college". 

What a smart group! We tested (of course) for a couple days to see what we remembered from third grade Math. Then we "tweeted" afterwards about all the ways we use math in real life situations. If you're not on the social media bandwagon yet, it's time for us all to hop on! One of my NINE year old students was clever enough to use a hash tag in his "tweet"! NINE! These kids never cease to surprise me. 

Here are some pictures of our classroom: 

I am one grateful and happy teacher! Thank you for a great first week!

Love, Mrs. Holland  

Thursday, August 1, 2013!

Oh wow! It's August! Can you believe the summer is almost over? Summers always seem to go by extremely fast and before you know it, the school year is here. Here is what your teacher has been up to this summer:

First, I went to my favorite place in the world, the beach! We went to Destin, Florida at the beginning of June to soak up some relaxation time in the sun and eat some great seafood.

Some of our family in Destin, Florida.

Later in June, Mr. Holland and I participated in a mud and obstacle race at Noccalula Falls. Boy was that tough!

The Barbarian Challenge: June 22nd, 2013

I spent the rest of my summer working at Gadsden State's Camp Cardinal, where I taught a variety of classes to students aged 4th grade-8th grade. We had a blast! 

Hunger Games Tournament!

In between, I spent a lot of quality time loving on my niece, Ansley Kate, and my two nephews Bryson and Beckham. You'll probably hear me talk more about them this year- they are my world!

Although you may be a little bummed about it, I for one get more excited as each day draws nearer to a new and wonderful school year. We are going to have one AMAZING year in fourth grade. I can't wait for you to come and see what exciting things are planned for you. I hope you've had a fun-filled summer and I look forward to meeting you on the first day! See you soon!

Love, Mrs. Holland